세계적 온라인 서비스업체의 Web Technology Stack

'세계 유수의 온라인서비스 업체에서 웹서비스 개발에 이용하고 있는 언어는 무엇일가?' 에 관한 포스팅이 있어 소개한다.
Web Technology Stack [Analysis] (해당 사이트의 기고문의 신뢰도는 모르겠다. 처음 발견한 사이트라..)
facebook이 php로 구현된건 알고 있었지만 backend 는 java와 같은 다른 언어로 구성되었다니 몰랐던 사실이다. 표를 보면서 느낀점은 웹관련 스택은 참 많이도 쪼개져 있구나.. 역시 silver bullet은 없구나.. 스크립트 언어로 그들 정도 서비스를 유지하려면 서버가 얼마나 많이 필요할까.. 같은 잡 생각? ㅋ

Product Front End Back end Database Others
Twitter Ruby on Rails (RoR), JavaScript, jQuery
LabJS, Modernizr, JSON-P, oEmbed
Scala Cassandra Java, C, Python, Mustache templating language
Facebook PHP, XHP, Hiphop for PHP, JavaScript C, C++, Java Cassandra, MySQL Python, Erlang
LinkedIn JSP, Apache Coyote Web Server Spring MVC, Linkedin spring, grails, Oracle and MySQL ActiveMQ for JMS, Lucene as a foundation for search, DWR, Jetty, Eh-cache, Quartz, Spring remoting.
YahooMail HTML, CSS, JavaScript (with YUI 3) PHP MySQL Apache Traffic Server (formely known as Yahoo! Traffic Server).
Google + Closure framework, including Closure’s JavaScript compiler and template system, HTML5 History API Closure templates server-side, C++, Java, or Python BigTable and Colossus/GFS MapReduce
FourSquare scala(lift framework) scala

Amazon S3 for hosting, /img/ folder which is served by nginx directly

MongoDB load balancer(s): nginx/0.8.52

Lift- A web framework written in scala.

Youtube Python psyco, a dynamic python->C compiler MySQL
Quora Python and JavaScript LiveNode/webnode2, Thrift (Communicate to backend)

Amazon EC2 and S3 for hosting

MySQL + memcached C++
Load Balancing: nginx in front of HAProxy
Viddler PHP, Python Rails 2.x, ffmpeg/mencoder/x264lib, Java 1.6 / Spring / Hibernate / ehcache, Erlang

Amazon EC2 and S3 for hosting

Mysql 5.0 Hadoop HDFS (distributed video source storage)
Nginx/Keepalived (Load balancers for all web traffic)
Wowza (RTMP video recording server)
Mediainfo(reporting video metadata)
Yamdi (metadata injector for flash videos)
Puppet(configuration management)
Logcheck(log scanning)
StackOverFlow jQuery, ASP .NET C#, Microsoft ASP.NET (version 4.0), ASP.NET MVC 3, Razor. LINQ to SQL, some raw SQL Server HAProxy (for load balancing), Bacula(for backup), Redis(caching layer)
Disqus jQuery,EasyXDM, Sammy, Flot, Raphaël, JSHint Python scripts, Django, Celery, South PostgreSQL, memcached HAProxy + heartbeat (Load balancing)

2011/07/18 21:54 2011/07/18 21:54
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